Monday, January 16, 2012

Birthdays we get thirstaaaay

TWO birthdays were celebrated this weekend.  After the amazingness of Trimble's Friday celebration, who thought I could go for round 2? Surprises, they're not just for birthdays anymore. Tucked away in a corner of Hyde Park, is a little Irish pub called the Dubliner. On peaceful, sunny, temperate days of the lord, places like this are host to a multitude of sinners and saints. Lucky for me, apropos of last weeks' NFL playoff game, I no longer associate with anyone who still utilizes "saint" as part of their vocabulary. (totally j/k D, Marc and CJ). So I only come into contact with the sinners of this joint. The reason why I find myself here. And I'm not mad at this realization. Good friends are hard to come by. I came by them, so step the fuck off they're mine. We throw birthday parties, ok? We utilize glow sticks. Even during daylight hours. It's ok, know why? If you can't see the glow of our sticks, our personalities will shine far brighter, day or night. And also, we have ring pops, and tiaras. either way, we are "those" people. The people you want to be hanging out with, or the people who's sanity you question. Both, I hope. Surprises, planned for weeks, go off without a hitch. Houdini acts, by yours truly, to witness another good friend wreck and/or permanently disable the mic, go only temporarily recognized. But the triumphant return of aforementioned associate, still receives accolades. (In regards to the Temp show, simply awesome Caro, and also awesome to spend some QT with Joey D and Seeeeejh, these times are too infrequent fellas). Misunderstandings of no rhyme or reason are ironed out better than Jeffery could for Master Will, aka. the Fresh Prince. If one piece of advice could be given for the night, it would be to allow me to give you more than one piece of advice. Wear a shirt with one or more superheroes on it. That's not the advice. Be kind to everyone and apologize for mistakes that may have hurt someone inadvertently, but make sure they are willing to accept the apology before trying to walk on water facilitating the impossible. Take plenty of pictures, and videos if you're brave. Always carry a koozie and beer salt.  Keep an air mattress in your car. Give your family regular updates as to your well-being. Make sure you live within an easy drive of a Dollar Tree, they sell the best glow sticks.  If you're anything like me, buy stock in glow sticks. Give compliments, genuine ones, as often as you are able. Support everyone's decisions in every aspect of their lives, their choose your own adventure isn't yours, it's not supposed to be. Allow yourself to accept their support as well. You will need it. Someday.

My friends (and family, when I get the opportunity to see them), throw killer parties.  My friends (and family) care about their friends (and family), that's amazing.  My friends love glow sticks and super heros, even more amazing.  I wish I would have written this all in Dragon Dictation because it would have been so awesome to attempt to translate.  Maybe next time.  Until that next time, I'd like to make a request that everyone I know change their birthday to Leap Day, because is it just me, or do we celebrate like two birthdays a week? MUAH! Love you all who were there Sunday, and those of you who I would love to see every Sunday and don't(aka Mom, Dad, Drew, Shell).

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