Tuesday, January 3, 2012

In-what? Oh yeah, Inspiration......

Dubs and Malibu, obviously so hood before our time.....

Middle School friends......STILL friends, tight like vice grips

The Parker girls and Woodrow kids on Spring Break, also still friends!

A little yearbook sig from Jakedogg, yep, talking about GL.
Ok ok, so I know I said the blog was going to be present/future-centric from now on, I fucking lied. Honesty was NOT a part of my new years resolution, so I DGAF. Inspiration is the fuel that feeds the human soul and it can come in so many different forms. Without inspiration, what would push you to get out of bed in the morning.  Are you inspired to make money, to find love and happiness, to change the course of humanity as a whole, or simply change the life of one other person, to make someone proud, to have no regrets, to eat food (that's a big yes for me), it doesn't really matter what it is, everything you do every second is perpetuated by inspiration for an accomplishment small or large, hopefully something better, an improvement on the current situation. As a bad ass party rapper and truly incredible lyricist, possibly the most influential of our time (please note the overt sarcasm), I find inspiration for my writing in so many things, mostly Gun Lake obvi. In the interest of full disclosure on the reason for this "blog", which I know seems pretty friggin lame and ridiculous, let me give you some idea for the inspiration. Back to my MI trip. One cold day during my vacation, I decided to take a trip (and I mean like, two fucking checked bags long ass trip) down memory lane. Let me tell you, I turned my childhood house upside down looking for relics from my past to include pictures, yearbooks, old notes and Christmas cards. I laughed, cried, smiled, got mad and longed for days past. Then, I found a diary. One word, YIKES. I was embarrassed for myself reading the crap that went into that thing, but holy shit was it so fun to have in physical form play by plays from middle and high school. I was so happy to have preserved (well happy that my parents, love them so dearly, preserved) so much of my past, but also disappointed that there was a gap, right smack dab where college was. I decided that despite bad decisions and regrets, I want to remember everything. So here we are, watching Thor and blogging. 17 years from now I will read this and be embarrassed once again, but you know what? I DGAF. 


  1. I have also gone through old diaries & journals....& only one word.....cringe!!! LOL!!!


  2. Hahahaha, it is so cringe-tastic, but so dang hilarious at the same time :-)
