Monday, January 9, 2012

Friends, fried food and the BCS....I will let you decide what it stands for.

If you're wondering what happens when a group of close friends go out to watch the #1 and #2 teams battle it out for the BCS title, you should just stop. Nothing good comes of it. And I am in no way referring to the game, because I am comfortable with that outcome. My husband made a valid point when he stated "They are so even yet miles ahead of everybody else. These kids would have beat NFL teams 30 years ago." I digress. This isn't actually about the game. It's about the hands down best group of friends on the planet. And our possible need to enter some sort of texting/social networking rehab facility. Not a moment of the game went unseen, especially by D; however, many moments were spent looking at the TV and a phone simultaneously. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say a minimum of 300 collective texts/Facebook posts were exchanged by the small group of us. Who were sitting within 3 feet of each other. I feel as if I should be embarrassed by these occurrences, but if you knew us, and were privy to even a small percentage of the iBanter, nothing about it sucked. I went into the evening an Alabama supporter and fully aware that I was meeting a good friend who is a die hard LSU fan. So I wore a Green Lantern shirt. You can't go wrong supporting a super hero. And no, a superhero Honey Badger is not. As the evening progressed, it was brought to Pas' attention that 'Bama is the Crimson Tide. She took great pleasure in dubbing UA "Pas' Period" for some time, to be followed by the revelation that they are called that because "an elephants period is so heavy it may be compared to a tidal wave". This progressed into an entirely different and inappropriate Twilight conversation. I'll let you use your imagination. She also put tabasco sauce on her salad and exclaimed "this salad is hot, not unlike the block!" and had a mimosa for dessert. You do the math. We left the Brickhouse, our initial site of spectatorship, and decided to live dangerously by stopping by the hot zone of recent terrorist activity, Macdintons. This is where the social exchanges took a downturn, if there was any further down to turn. The resident speak and spell, Molly, after a few notable spelling mistakes, determined that she was only good at math and a three letter activity that shall not be named on this post. A pic text attachment attack from Pas, following one simple SWAG picture was what really made me realize how ridiculous my friends are. And if you look up the definition for ridiculous in the megtionary, it will sate: amazingly hilarious, funmazing, supportive, intelligent, beautiful inside and out, awesome and rivaled by none. My friends are scarecrows. Outstanding in their field.

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