Monday, January 2, 2012

Well, if the Mayans are right, might as well try something new for 2012

GL Masters, sooooo eccentric 
GL Masters NYE Show
Goodbye Mate :-(

Well, I've got a whole hell of a lot to say, and I'm not really sure what the fuck a blog is, but it's two thousand GD twelve and I thought I would try something new. I know people (or person, since likely the only person who would ever be interested in hearing what I have to say could only be my mother), are first and foremost interested in knowing what my new years resolution is. "How is she going to top last years giving up heroin"? You are probably asking yourself. Well, Judge for yourself. I've decided to stop utilizing drive by shooting as a gang initiation.......and also steak......and mushrooms. Yep, that's three. 

Now, if there were anyway to summarize the two weeks I just spent in the mitten I totally would. Unfortunately 14 days is a long time and my memory recall (JB) has been severely compromised by the activities I chose to participate in while in the northland. Let's just say, in a nutshell, it was one of the best times of my life. Filled with amazing friends and family, babies, early arrival surprises, reminiscing about the old days with my BF Jakedogg, party rapping, making cookies with mom, the gym with dad, movies, beating GR at its own game with the Dubs', trivia, samplers, laughter and tears all culminating in on eccentrically awesome GL NYE with a handful of my favorite people ever. I got to end the night with a classic Dubs/Bu heart to heart. LOVE! (Obviously, if you know me at all, SO much more awesomeness happened). My mitten adventures are always tops. 

Moving on to the now and what I see ahead (as soon as I shake my Michivision, which is the word I use to refer to the funk I fall into upon my return to FL). Duvall and I just returned home from a goodbye party for one of our great friends, Byron. It was very difficult to say goodbye so soon after having done so to so many of my northern loves, but it was also an overwhelmingly warm welcome back from some of my dearest FL friends. It is nice to feel cared for. Case in point: on the drive downtown, I was starting to become emotional with the aforementioned issues and I stated to my husband "I am really good at making people feel good about themselves, I really wish I could feel good about myself" to which he replied "I am your rock". "I know", I said, "but I really need compliments to help make me feel good".  "I am your rock, and you are cool" was his reply. Completely ridiculous and  solicited, but it made me crack up, and it helped. 

I suppose that'll do it for now. Pretty boring stuff for my first time I'm sure, but I promise, nothing about my life is boring and if you've spent the time to read this, just stick with me, I'll make it worth your while. 2012 (or twenty thousand twelve as D claimed, since we rode there in a delorian) may have so much awesomeness in store for me, or sadness and heartbreak could be looming right around the corner. The best part about looking forward is that I have no damn clue what is going to happen. If fate is written in the stars then I must be fucking illiterate, and truthfully I don't give a shit. The one thing I can predict, is that I will smile a shit ton, and I will make all you fuckers and lots of others smile as well. That is a fact. Also, ice cream is cheap. That's just another fact. 

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